Why should I care about the Census? Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF)

Why should I care about the Census?

The U.S. Census Bureau is preparing for the 2010 Decennial Census, and even though there will many changes to the questions that people are asked this year, the information collected is more important than ever. For the first time, the census will only ask 10 questions of every household in the U.S. but these 10 questions are vital in determining a state’s population. That can dictate federal funding levels, political representation, and the location of school and health facilities–to name a few.

In 2007, Arkansas received $4.5 billion in census-based federal funds. That amounts to $1,587.13 for each Arkansan counted in the 2000 Census. Some of the programs that receive these federal dollars include: Title 1 grants to educational agencies, Head Start programs, public transportation, road rehabilitation and construction, programs for the elderly and emergency food and shelter.

Arkansas benefits greatly (and more so than many other states) from census-based federal funds because we have such a large number of people living in poverty. It’s more important than ever that everyone in Arkansas is counted as our state struggles to overcome the current recession so we can receive much needed federal funding to maintain or grow key programs and activities statewide.