2017 Annual Report
The year 2017 was an eventful one for AACF! We celebrated 40 years of working to improve the lives of Arkansas kids and families. AACF observed the occasion in October with our first ever gala, held at Little Rock’s...
The year 2017 was an eventful one for AACF! We celebrated 40 years of working to improve the lives of Arkansas kids and families. AACF observed the occasion in October with our first ever gala, held at Little Rock’s...
This November, Arkansas voters will elect candidates to important public offices, including seats in the U.S. Congress and the Arkansas General Assembly. The winners of these elections will be in a unique position to make public policy that will impact the...
Governor Asa Hutchinson kicked off the 2018 fiscal session of the Arkansas General Assembly today with a review of his administration’s major accomplishments while outlining his priorities for the upcoming session. While there was good news to be found...
State agencies will be closely watching events at the state Capitol starting Monday – the first day of the “Fiscal Session.” Votes cast during that time will determine which state agencies get new funding to keep up with the...
Governor Hutchinson’s new budget proposal raises a number of serious concerns about whether it would actually meet our state’s future – or even current – needs. His tight budget request should, at the very least, be a clear sign...
When do children begin to learn? Believe it or not, school readiness begins in the womb. Decades of research show the first few years of life, including the prenatal months, are the most important for healthy brain development and...
On January 3, 2018, at 5 p.m., Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families and KABF 88.3 aired the fortieth episode of “Speak Up Arkansas,” a talk radio show dedicated to covering issues like health care, education, juvenile justice, the state...
Today, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families celebrates 40 years of working to improve the lives of Arkansas children and families. We were founded in 1977 by a group of prominent Arkansans who believed that children needed an “independent force...
The health care system has improved dramatically over the past 20 years in Arkansas. Today, 95 percent of children have health coverage, and we’ve lessened the coverage gap resulting from differences in household income. Also, the state has made...
Policymakers, parents, and school administrators all want to ensure that students are taught by the best possible teachers, and for good reason. Research has shown that teacher quality is one of the best indicators of student achievement (Kini and...
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