
Get the full story on minimum wage news

Recent articles that claim minimum wage increases hurt low-wage workers all have something in common; they look at small areas over short periods of time instead of the big picture. If they took into account changes across the country...

Wage theft costs Arkansas workers

There are millions of workers each year who are cheated out of hard-earned money by fraudulent employers. This practice is called wage theft. Employers are guilty of wage theft when they do not pay at least the minimum wage,...

Wonky Word Wednesday: Living wage

Imagine coming home after working a ten hour shift at a minimum wage job. Its pay day, but you’re stuck having to make a tough decision for your family. Your rent is due, you’re running low on groceries for...

Minimum wage increase will save on SNAP

Increasing the minimum wage will decrease enrollment and costs associated with programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or SNAP, commonly referred to as food stamps) for Arkansas taxpayers. Two proposed minimum wage increases, a state increase to $8.50...