Omnibus bill includes big policy wins for Arkansas’s children
Overall, we’re relieved to see that some key provisions will make life measurably better for Arkansas’s children.
Overall, we’re relieved to see that some key provisions will make life measurably better for Arkansas’s children.
On August 9, 2022, Governor Asa Hutchinson announced that Arkansas will be expanding its Medicaid programs to include more coverage for new and expecting mothers. With the help of federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, Arkansas will...
On November 1, 2022, the open enrollment period for health insurance plans under the ACA through the Health Insurance Marketplace begins.
The pandemic and the economic downturn that followed negatively affected the finances of many Arkansas workers and families. Many lost their jobs, their paychecks and, in many cases, their health care coverage. As a result, many became eligible for...
We hope to carry this momentum into the 2023 Regular Legislative Session, as we can be sure there will be many bills to support and defend against that will affect the lives of Arkansas's children and families.
The Governor's proposals are a step in the right direction, but they fall short of making policy changes that could make a significant difference in our dismal maternal and infant health outcomes.
Significantly higher percentages of Blacks and Hispanics reported being victims of discrimination while getting healthcare compared to their White counterparts.
On April 12, during Black Maternal Health Week, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families hosted a forum on the current status of Black women’s health in Arkansas. This forum addressed the maternal mortality and morbidity crisis and explored additional...
The United States is the only developed country where the maternal mortality rate has been steadily rising. But most pregnancy-related deaths, one third of which happen between two and 12 months postpartum, are preventable.
Babies need their mothers; children need their parents. Everyone should have the opportunity to raise their children and live out their full life expectancy. However, this opportunity is denied many babies and their mothers due to the mother’s death...