A Decade of Tax Cuts for Arkansas’s Rich and Powerful
The Governor has announced the legislature will come together again in August this year to fully phase in their previous giveaway to the rich, and maybe add more on top of that.
The Governor has announced the legislature will come together again in August this year to fully phase in their previous giveaway to the rich, and maybe add more on top of that.
Following Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson’s press conference, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families Executive Director Rich Huddleston issued the following statement: We are deeply disappointed in the governor’s announcement today that Arkansas is rejecting $146 million in housing assistance...
Arkansas is facing a health care crisis impacting the health and safety of our families and children, our schools, our health care system and health care workforce, and our economy. With the progression of COVID-19 variants and Arkansas’s low...
More than a thousand bills were passed during the 2021 General Assembly. Do you know how they will impact kids? From positive changes for immigrant families in Arkansas to increasing teachers’ salaries, and to defending the state’s Medicaid expansion program,...
Arkansas’s 93rd General Assembly has the chance to provide $50 million in tax cuts for the lowest-wage Arkansans who need it most, and the smartest way to target that tax relief is through a state Earned Income Tax Credit...
Arkansas is one of the last three states without a Hate Crimes Law. We also have one of the highest numbers of hate crime groups per capita in the nation. Today, a bipartisan group of Arkansas General Assembly members,...
State governments can help with aggressive outreach About 12 million Americans — including 110,000 in Arkansas alone — risk missing out on the stimulus payments provided through the recent CARES Act if they don’t file a form to receive it, according to a...
As record-breaking numbers of Americans file for unemployment, Congressional action will bring relief to struggling families during this time of national emergency. Arkansas must also act quickly to ensure that vulnerable Arkansans can get the help they need and...
The end is in sight! Week 12 saw a fair amount of action at the Capitol. Several committees held their final meetings this week, meaning a number of bills will not progress this session. We expect the next –...
Week eight of the 92nd General Assembly has been an interesting one, to say the least. We had the great opportunity to attend the signing ceremony of Senate Bill 152, which is now Act 189. This law will bring...
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