
Becoming Your Brain’s CEO

Many of you probably remember the book All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, which, when I read it, took me back to a time in life when my main jobs were to master tying my shoes...

2016 Voter’s Guide

This November, elections are critical to the well-being of Arkansas’s children and families and to the future of this great state. Arkansas voters will help decide which candidates win a number of important public offices, including the U.S. Presidency,...

Women Mean Business

Nearly half of Arkansas single moms live in poverty. The best way to make sure that moms and their kids have bright financial futures is to start making smart policy decisions. This Mother’s Day, let’s give moms a gift...

Awaken the Force of Quality Pre-K

This May the Fourth, awaken the force … of QUALITY PRE-K. Our little Wookiees’ earliest experiences form the foundation for all of their future learning. In quality pre-K classrooms, they learn to regulate emotions along with their ABC’s, leading...

#PreKstories: Bryant, Arkansas

Quality early education is so important to the development of our youngest Arkansans that more people are speaking up for pre-K programs. We are excited to release the second video of our #preKstories series. You may remember the first...

The “Elements” of Quality Pre-K

Quality pre-K matters. It matters most to the children who start off with their backpacks full of knowledge — they are familiar with school routines, they understand the importance of using words rather than fists when there is conflict over crayons, and they...

Statement on the Little Rock School District Decision

The following is a statement from Rich Huddleston, executive director of Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, on the decision by state officials not to renew the contract of Little Rock School District Superintendent Baker Kurrus: Arkansas Advocates for Children...

2015 Annual Report

The year 2015 was a milestone year of political change in Arkansas. Because of term limits and the changing political landscape at the state capitol, we lost many of our long-time champions of children’s issues on both sides of the political...

A Spotlight on Achievement Gaps

In light of the attention paid to the achievement gap between white students and students of color during the recent legislative hearing on adequacy (the descriptor for the hearings that determine our state’s education funding priorities), I thought it...