2017 Annual Report
The year 2017 was an eventful one for AACF! We celebrated 40 years of working to improve the lives of Arkansas kids and families. AACF observed the occasion in October with our first ever gala, held at Little Rock’s...
The year 2017 was an eventful one for AACF! We celebrated 40 years of working to improve the lives of Arkansas kids and families. AACF observed the occasion in October with our first ever gala, held at Little Rock’s...
Update: Good news alert! The budget deal approved early this morning (Feb. 9th) extends Children’s Health Insurance Program funding for 10 years, along with funding for two years for community health centers and several other provisions that will improve...
Things aren’t always as simple – or as good — as they seem. Today’s headline, that the U.S. House of Representatives voted to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program, seems worthy of celebration. And certainly, we applaud this move...
Today, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families celebrates 40 years of working to improve the lives of Arkansas children and families. We were founded in 1977 by a group of prominent Arkansans who believed that children needed an “independent force...
Recently, we shared our analysis of the latest ditch effort by some members of Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This week, Governor Hutchinson publicly shared that he joined a small group of Republican governors who gave input...
The bipartisan Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which turns 20 this year, provides health insurance to kids from low- and moderate-income families who are not eligible for Medicaid. Like Medicaid, it is jointly funded by federal and state governments....
The number of uninsured people would rise dramatically in every state under the Senate GOP health care bill, according to estimates from the non-partisan Urban Institute. Arkansas would fare especially badly; the uninsured rate would increase 200 percent by...
The bill leaves millions without health coverage. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis of the Senate bill shows that 22 million more people would lose coverage over the next decade. This is a slight improvement from the 23...
Note: This blog is third in a series of posts covering the findings in the 2017 Annie E. Casey Foundation Kids Count Data Book. Every year, the Annie E. Casey Foundation releases the Kids Count Data Book, featuring new numbers...
Note: This blog is second in a series of posts covering the findings in the 2017 Annie E. Casey Foundation Kids Count Data Book. According to the annual Kids Count Data Book from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Arkansas...
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