
Too many foster children on the move

Too many children in Arkansas’s child welfare system experience multiple placements, moving from one place to another, whether it is a family foster home or a residential facility. This is known as placement instability and it takes a toll...

A bump up for kids’ coverage in Arkansas

A new federal law provides an opportunity for Arkansas to expand children’s health coverage while spending less at the state level. We need to make sure we take advantage of this opportunity while also ensuring that any cost savings...

Tell us your #prekstories

AACF is looking for Arkansans to tell us their stories about why pre-K is important to them. If you’re a business leader, a college student, a member of law enforcement, a prosecutor, a teacher, a member of the clergy,...

Time to protect Arkansas renters

Arkansas has the nation’s weakest laws on tenants’ rights and in some cases even criminalizes renters.  State law puts those who pay rent – most often the lower income residents in Arkansas – at a disadvantage in dealing with...

Time to address gaps in behavioral health system

While the health care system has been the target of many of the proposed bills filed during the legislation session, one important issue has practically gone unmentioned—access to adequate behavioral health services for children.  These gaps continue to make...

AACF statement on increase in pre-K funding

The following is a statement from Rich Huddleston, executive director of Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families: Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF) and the Invest Early Coalition would like to thank Governor Hutchinson and the Arkansas General...

Drug-testing beneficiaries is bad policy

The poorest Arkansans may be forced to submit to intrusive drug tests before receiving TANF because of SB600, which will go before the full House today. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a program that helps pregnant women...