
What’s in a “C-”?

The grades are in for the Education Week Quality Counts ratings. They gave Arkansas’s education system a C-, ranking our state 41st in the nation.  We want to explain what that means. Every year, Education Week reviews the components...

Education in the Post Lake View Era

When Keith A. Nitta, then of the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, and I developed our 2008 study “Arkansas Education in the Post-Lake View Era: What Is Arkansas Doing to Close the Achievement Gap?,” Arkansas was...

Achievement Gap Causes: School Factors (2 of 5)

The factors that have caused the achievement gap are varied but can be broken down into three categories: schools, family and community, and health.  Schools are critical when it comes to a student’s educational achievement and opportunities. Because of...

What is the Achievement Gap? 1 of 5

(First in a five-part series) As we watch both the national and Arkansas economies struggle out of the recession, many of us wonder what we can do to protect our communities and working families from a future crisis of...