
2016 Annual Report

What a year 2016 was for AACF! We had not one, but three legislative sessions during the first half of 2016, including the regular fiscal session and two special sessions on health care reform and funding for highways and roads. AACF staff worked diligently to ensure the voices of all children and families were heard […]

AR Child Poverty: Policy to Change Lives, Build Stronger Communities

With the Regular Session of the 91st General Assembly coming up in just weeks, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the critical issue of child poverty in Arkansas and what we can do to improve the lives of hardworking families and build stronger communities. AACF’s newest report, Child Poverty in Arkansas, details the consequences of […]

Clearing the Hurdles: Kids’ Health Coverage in 2016

The annual Finish Line report provides a look at the status of health coverage for Arkansas children and their families. The report unveils key data on the progress we’ve made over the years and recommends additional solutions to ensure every child in Arkansas has a healthy start. Since the inception of ARKids First in 1997, we’ve made […]

From Good to Great in Arkansas: Marvell-Elaine and Prescott

In 2013, southern Arkansas communities Marvell-Elaine and Prescott began working to improve educational outcomes for their children. Both communities were already good places for kids, but they wanted to be great places where all children would thrive, especially in their educational endeavors. That same year, officials from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) came to Arkansas and […]

Helping Your Child Succeed in School: A Guide for Parents

All Arkansas students have the right to high-quality learning opportunities. But not all students in our state enjoy the same learning experiences. Some young people have access to high-quality education, while others do not. This creates wide gaps in student achievement among different groups of students. Many people in Arkansas play a role in making sure that students in the […]

Healthy For Life: A Guide to Using Your Health Insurance

Today, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families is releasing a health insurance toolkit and website to help Arkansans get the care they need and navigate the complex health care system. Last summer, we held focus groups with in-person assisters, who help enroll people in coverage, about how to improve health outreach and enrollment. The results of […]

Part 4 of 4: Personal Income Tax Cuts are Bad for Arkansas Kids

Recent tax cuts haven’t helped struggling parents make ends meet. Instead, they have hurt public investments that Arkansas kids and their parents need to succeed. Personal income tax cuts mean less revenue for quality schools where kids can learn, fewer social workers to protect them in cases of abuse and neglect, fewer community programs to […]

Helping Arkansans Build Assets

Helping working Arkansas families grow their assets will build a stronger middle class and a healthier economy, which benefits us all. Our state has come a long way in making it easier for all Arkansans to build assets, but we need to continue to make smart policy choices that encourage asset building in our communities. Assets are not just […]