
Making Sure Every Student Succeeds: Understanding ESSA and School Report Cards

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families and the Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading have produced a new guide to help parents understand the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Arkansas Department of Education now uses ESSA to measure how Arkansas’s students and schools perform. Arkansas’s ESSA plan is a welcome shift from the one-size-fits-all […]

Transforming Medicaid in Arkansas: An Early Look at the PASSE Program

Arkansas has been in the national news a lot this year for a major change to our health care system. While the disenrollment of nearly 17,000 Arkansas Works beneficiaries is newsworthy, there is another major change underway that’s not received much media attention or public scrutiny. Last year, Arkansas lawmakers passed Act 775, which creates […]

Reducing Chronic Absenteeism for Children in Foster Care and FINS

Too many children in Arkansas are missing too much school to make academic progress. In 2014-15, 13 percent of K-12 students were chronically absent, meaning they missed 18 or more days of school (or 10 percent of the school year) for any reason, including being suspended. Children who are chronically absent in kindergarten and first […]