
Kids At The Capitol: 2021 Legislative Summary

More than a thousand bills were passed during the 2021 General Assembly. Do you know how they will impact kids? From positive changes for immigrant families in Arkansas to increasing teachers’ salaries, and to defending the state’s Medicaid expansion program, our Kids at the Capitol 2021 Legislative Summary covers it. Read about the good laws that passed, […]

2020 Annual Report

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families’ (AACF) mission has always been to ensure that all children and their families have the resources and opportunities to lead healthy and productive lives and to realize their full potential. In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic strain highlighted the importance of our work on behalf of […]

Paid Family Leave: Good for Parents and Employers

by Bruno Showers Senior Policy Analyst   Introduction At Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, we work to ensure that all children have the resources and opportunities they need to realize their full potential. And what happens in a child’s early years is critical in determining their future success. The first years are especially important, […]

The Affordable Care Act Turns 10: How the ACA has worked for Arkansas

From shoring up rural hospitals to providing health insurance to unemployed Arkansans during a pandemic, the first decade of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has changed our state’s health care system for the better. Our new policy brief outlines the myriad ways the ACA has improved health care for individuals, hospitals and the overall state economy. In […]

2019 Annual Report

While much of 2020 has already been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to release our 2019 annual report.  What a busy year 2019 was! The 92nd General Assembly dominated between January and April, with more than 1,091 bills passed. Working with our partners and coalitions, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF) […]

COVID-19 Policy Analysis and Recommendations

What Steps Still Need to be Taken? As the federal government passes emergency funding packages and changes regulations to help Americans access critical resources, Governor Hutchinson and the Arkansas legislature have also taken quick action to date in response to the crisis. AACF has analyzed the federal and state policy changes and has identified the work that […]

Aid for Arkansas in New Economic Relief Bill

The President recently signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the most recent legislation designed to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic recession. Download our brief analysis of the bill to learn how Arkansas will benefit.