
Template: Letter to the Editor

During the past three years Arkansas has created a task force of stakeholders, commissioned a comprehensive review of its juvenile justice system, developed a vision and set long-term goals for system change, and held regional meetings to discuss the comprehensive strategy for making changes and reforming the state’s approach to juvenile justice. These include redirecting […]

The Impact of Government Programs on Family Finances

Every day Arkansas families struggle to make ends meet, and the recent economic downturn has made this challenge even more difficult. Just how much money does a family need to cover its basic needs? How much do various government supports and benefits help families to do so? This report will help to answer these questions.

“What It Takes to Be #1”

In these difficult economic times, Arkansas faces major challenges in meeting the needs of vulnerable children and families. Decreasing tax revenues and growing demand for services and support require tough decisions, thoughtful approaches and the political courage to balance a range of demands on state government. This year’s release of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s […]

Afterschool is Key!

The 2006 report After School Programs in Arkansas: A Solution Whose Time has Come outlined the positive impacts that afterschool and summer programs have by keeping children safe, supporting working families and inspiring Arkansas children to learn. New research continues to validate these findings in both local communities in Arkansas and across the country. During […]

“Addiction Treatment and Long-Term Recovery in Arkansas: Just Say Yes!”

In 2008, the national Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap (CATG) initiative was launched in Arkansas with support from the Open Society Foundation and with local support from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and the Arkansas Community Foundation. The goal of the initiative was to mobilize public support for expanding addiction treatment by increasing public funding, broadening insurance […]

Crossing the Finish Line 2010: Moving Toward Covering All Kids

A new report from Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF) finds that a startling number of children in the state who are eligible for ARKids First are either unenrolled or are being dropped from the program because of enrollment barriers and red tape. The report, Crossing the Finish Line: Moving Toward Covering All Kids, […]

How the New Health Law Will Affect Arkansas Children and Families

After decades of attempts and more than a year of debate in the current Congress, the final health reform package passed both chambers and has been signed by President Obama last week.  Details on the potential impacts of the original Senate bill and companion “fixes” bill continue to emerge, but child advocates should rest assured […]

2009 Annual Report

2009 was a demanding year for Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. We spent much of the year working to make us a more effective advocacy organization. We developed a new strategic plan—with new goals and priorities—to help guide and focus our work in the new decade. We worked with our partners to assess our […]