
Crossing into New Territory: Kid’s Health Coverage in 2014

ARKids First and Medicaid provided health coverage for even more children as poverty levels in Arkansas continued to rise while the state recovered from the recession. This affordable coverage ensured that Arkansas’s percentage of uninsured children continued to trend downward, helping families stay healthy and economically secure. Most Americans believe — incorrectly — that the […]

Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children

A new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation shows Arkansas has a lot of ground to cover to ensure that all kids – especially children of color – are positioned to thrive. Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children, shows how children are progressing on key issues across racial and ethnic groups […]

2013 Annual Report

The political environment in Arkansas is changing. As talk of tax cuts and cut-backs rise above the din, making a strong argument for investments in our state’s children and families is more important than ever. With that in mind, AACF developed a new strategic plan in 2013 that will guide us over the next four […]

Income Inequality is Hurting Arkansas, February 2014

The gap between the rich and poor in Arkansas is growing, and it is hurting all of us. Increasing inequality in Arkansas holds back economic growth, damages the democratic process, and keeps many low income and minority families stuck in poverty. But it can be fixed. Arkansas will be a stronger state if we correct […]