Arkansas has consistently fallen below the national average of providing Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) screens to low-income children. The national average in 2004 was 39 percent and Arkansas’ rate was 27 percent. These screens can provide early detection and treatment for many childhood diseases. Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF) partnered with the Our Children First Coalition in Texarkana in 2004 to survey families in southwest Arkansas to determine why they did not utilize the EPSDT program. With the results of the project, AACF convened a workgroup to determine ways to improve the utilization of EPSDT in Arkansas. The workgroup consisted of representatives from the Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care, Connect Care, AACF, and the Division of Early Childhood Services and the Division of Medical Services at the Department of Health and Human Services. This report details the results from the workgroup that include: data on the low utilization rate of EPSDT screens, the barriers that prevent families from receiving EPSDT screens, current activities, and recommendations on ways to increase the number of children receiving screens.