You’ve heard it a thousand times: “The only thing certain in life is death and taxes. We’ve all complained and joked about taxes for so long that we often forget how critical they are in supporting the common good. Whenever you drive to work, your taxes are keeping you and your kids safe by providing paved roads with stoplights along the way, policemen to slow unsafe drivers in your path, and ambulances to come to your aid in case of an accident. Whenever you drink water from the tap, you can rest assured that it’s okay for your family to drink, because your taxes have helped pay scientists to keep a close eye on our water supply. The list goes on and on.
We all benefit from our tax system throughout our day, every day. But how can we make sure that our taxes are collected in a fair way, and then put to good use? Big companies can afford highly-paid, full-time lobbyists to help protect their interests and advance their causes. Too often, the voices of our most vulnerable children and families go unheard–unless citizens join together and speak up on their behalf.
But first, you must know how to play the game. This guide will show you the rules, and how to win.