AACF’s tax and budget team would like to be the first (and, perhaps, only one) to wish you a Happy Tax Day!
Sometimes we all forget how important our tax dollars are to the health and well-being of our families and communities. Without them, we could not drive safely down paved roads; drink clean water from the tap; enjoy a stroll in our public parks; or rest assured that firefighters can be there in a flash whenever emergencies strike.
During these difficult economic times, Arkansas is especially fortunate not to face the massive budget shortfalls currently faced in other states—which may have life-or-death consequences for thousands of vulnerable children and families. This recent New York Times article shows what can happen when we do not take a long-term approach to ensuring a sound tax and budget system. So as you file your taxes today, take a moment to be thankful for the privilege of living in civilized society and proud to know that your tax dollars do make a difference.