During the last few months, people have been coming together to stand up, help out, give back, and heal. In times of uncertainty, generosity can bring the world together.
NOW is the time to make systemic change to help all Arkansans. NOW is the time to support our state’s children and families with your time, your energy and your investment in Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. Make your gift today.
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families is at the forefront of identifying the policy changes that will transform the everyday lives of our friends and neighbors who have been left out for too long. With your help, we will drive that change.
Every Arkansas family deserves:
- To live in a home with food in the refrigerator and internet access for school and work
- For their children to get a quality education in a safe environment, with nutritious meals at school
- Affordable, accessible and quality health care
- Financial security, including access to affordable necessities like housing, transportation, childcare and groceries and being able to save for retirement and emergencies
- To be vital, participating members of their community, our state political process, and our democracy
Is that too much to ask?
The COVID-19 pandemic and killing of George Floyd have forced our country and state to stop and listen to the cries of our people, especially Black and Brown members of our communities. We know Black and Brown people are being disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus, and we must do more to address this tragic disparity and the greater issue of our American legacy of structural racism. We must put systems in place to help all Arkansans THRIVE.
Education, health care and economic security must be accessible. There are changes we can make NOW so that all Arkansans will have the foundation they need and deserve.
Read this blog post to learn more about AACF’s priorities for the coming year.
You can create change in our state and build a brighter future for all Arkansans. No gift is too small. Every dollar helps to move the needle towards an Arkansas where all children have the resources to meet their full potential.
Make a gift today, and help build a vibrant, equitable, sustainable Arkansas for kids and families for years to come. Let’s do this – NOW!