

No such thing as free money

Revenue neutral options that sound too good to be true always are. A “revenue neutral” plan is one in which money is shifted around, but the total amount that the state spends stays the same. In other words: “no new...

Businesses Bank on Pre-K

The business case for pre-k is a straightforward one. High quality pre-k is workforce development. And, more Arkansas business leaders are becoming pre-k leaders. The members of the Conway and Jonesboro Chambers of Commerce and the Northwest Arkansas Council...

AACF Applauds Carvers for Well-Deserved Honor

Today, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families celebrates Dr. Joel and Lynn Donald Carver, whose visionary leadership has changed our state for the better. The Northwest Arkansas chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals honored Lynn and Joel today...

Protect credits that help veterans

Two important credits that many veterans rely on are on the chopping block if congress fails to act. We can honor the nearly 250,000 veterans and their families living in Arkansas by making sure that these credits continue so that...

Weak revenue growth hurts communities

Recent income tax cuts are taking a bite out of the funds that pay for our parks, bridges, schools and public safety. These funds are supposed to grow as the economy grows, and as need for more teachers, social...

Uninsured rate for kids now below 5 percent

The Affordable Care Act has helped cut the number of uninsured children in Arkansas to less than five percent, according to a new report released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families and Arkansas Advocates for Children...