

State of Working Arkansas 2017

Arkansas is a hardworking state. In fact, we have over a million employees who work here. That number has been growing recently, as our unemployment figures hit record lows. That is a positive and welcome change for working families...

DACA Ending – Dreamers Need Your Help Now!

Updated with the Trump administration’s 9/5 DACA announcement: We need your urgent help to protect more than 10,000 Arkansas Dreamers, those young immigrants who are studying and working in the United States, lawfully contributing to our state in countless...

Unemployment Insurance Pays Off

The Arkansas legislature has repeatedly reduced the amount of unemployment insurance available to Arkansas workers, lowering both the duration of coverage and the dollar amount of benefits. This puts us well below national averages for unemployment benefits, and puts families...

Federal Health Care Recap and Update

Congressional Republicans attempted for months to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. To date, these efforts have failed because the public overwhelmingly rejected the damaging core features that all their proposals had in common, including: Taking health care...

Celebrating Medicaid’s 52nd Birthday

Last week, the Senate did the right thing by voting down the “skinny bill” that would have kicked millions off their health coverage and significantly raised health insurance premiums. This week, as we mark the anniversary of Medicaid’s passage...