

“Natural Wonders” Executive Summary

As a part of the statewide Natural Wonders Partnership, focused on improving the health and well-being of Arkansas children, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, with financial support from Arkansas Children’s Hospital, developed and implemented a statewide telephone poll...

“Natural Wonders” Fast Facts

As a part of the statewide Natural Wonders Partnership, focused on improving the health and well-being of Arkansas children, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, with financial support from Arkansas Children’s Hospital, developed and implemented a statewide telephone poll...

“Natural Wonders” Project Summary

As a part of the statewide Natural Wonders Partnership, focused on improving the health and well-being of Arkansas children, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, with financial support from Arkansas Children’s Hospital, developed and implemented a statewide telephone poll...

“Natural Wonders” Map

As a part of the statewide Natural Wonders Partnership, focused on improving the health and well-being of Arkansas children, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, with financial support from Arkansas Children’s Hospital, developed and implemented a statewide telephone poll...

Poison, Problem, and Perspective: Revisited

In January 2007, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF) released Poison Problem and Perspective: The Impact of Methamphetamine on the Arkansas Child Welfare System. It was AACF’s first assessment of substance abuse in families suspected of child maltreatment...