

Moving Families Forward Newsletter: July 2009

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families is closely following Congress as it continues to develop legislation that could have a profound impact on Arkansas children and families. Healthcare reform and climate change dominate discussion in both the Senate and...

Background on TANF in Arkansas

Arkansas’s Transition to Employment Assistance (TEA) program is a safety net for children and families in poverty. TEA provides short-term cash assistance to families in financial crisis, with the long-term goal of moving them from poverty and dependence to...

Five Questions Advocates Should Ask of Health Reform

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families applauds our leaders in Washington for making health reform a priority in 2009. Vulnerable children and families deserve equal access to quality, affordable health care in their communities. With momentum and urgency for...

Moving Families Forward Newsletter: May 2009

Recently President Obama released his detailed budget that outlines funding for key programs that support low-income children and their families in Arkansas. On the same day that the President released his budget, Sen. Blanche Lincoln filed two bills to...

AACF Tax and Budget Update

AACF’s tax and budget team would like to be the first (and, perhaps, only one) to wish you a Happy Tax Day! Sometimes we all forget how important our tax dollars are to the health and well-being of our...