

Why should I care about the Census?

The U.S. Census Bureau is preparing for the 2010 Decennial Census, and even though there will many changes to the questions that people are asked this year, the information collected is more important than ever. For the first time,...

Happy anniversary CHIPRA!

Today is my fourth wedding anniversary.  And while it’s an important milestone in my own life (and hopefully my husband’s!), I’m also celebrating an anniversary that has provided peace of mind and financial security to thousands of Arkansas families...

Dust off your muffin tins!

The 29th Annual Soup Sunday is quickly approaching. The date is February 21 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Embassy Suites in West Little Rock. Tickets are $20 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-12. Restaurants are...

Free tax assistance sites

“Get it quick or get it all” is State Rep. Darrin Williams’ advice to working families who may be thinking about getting a Refund Anticipation Loan, also known as a “rapid refund.” Make no mistake about it, Fast Cash...

ALERT: Don’t Delay Health Care Reform

ALERT: Don’t Delay Health Care Reform Arkansas children and families need your help!  Our families still need health reform. The recent election in Massachusetts hasn’t changed the fact that more than eight million children nationwide lack health coverage. And...

Square Dance in Schools?

“Bring the Square Dance Back,” was certainly said in jest, but intermingled in the laughter, concerned parents shared with Kara Wilkins and Sarah Argue the need to bring healthy fun back into schools.  Traveling around the state, Kara and...

January Moving Families Forward Update

Jan. 15, 2010 The U.S. Senate returns from recess on Jan. 20 to join the House, which headed back to work this week. Meanwhile, the Arkansas General Assembly this week held budget hearings in advance of Arkansas’ first fiscal...

Arkansas’ First Fiscal Session

The Legislature began hearings this week of the Joint Budget Committee as part of the first Fiscal Session that will focus on the state agency budget dubbed the “Big Six.” These agencies include: the Department of Education Public School...