

Arkansas Children: Lacking Preventive Health Care

Children covered by Medicaid in Arkansas are not receiving the level of preventive care they need to diagnose potential health problems. The Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program is a Medicaid requirement that ensures low-income children covered...

Federal Spending Cap Would Handcuff Recovery

During the next few months we are all going to hear a lot about capping federal spending. It’s an idea that sounds appealing to many people, but the harsh reality is that such a move could paralyze the nation’s...

Lawmakers Lauded for Working for Kids

Four state legislators received awards Tuesday for their tireless work on behalf of children in this year’s regular session of the Arkansas General Assembly. Northwest Arkansas lawmakers Sen. Sue Madison, Sen. Johnny Key, Rep. Uvalde Lindsey and Rep. Greg...

School-based Health Centers Show Promise

Addressing student health in schools increases academic performance and health of children, report shows. SPRINGDALE – A growing movement to address the health needs of students on school campuses has the potential to improve the health and educational ability...

Tell Congress NO on Ryan Plan

Congress has unveiled a budget plan called “The Path to Prosperity.” Prosperity for whom? For those already prosperous, it seems. The budget plan, from House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI), would make radical cuts to safety net programs and investments...

Proposed SNAP cuts should worry Arkansas

Now that Congress has averted a federal government shutdown, all eyes turn to the 2012 budget. President Obama announced his budget proposal in February, and recently House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R – WI) announced his budget proposal....

The State of Working Arkansas 2011 (1st quarter)

The Arkansas economy continues to strain under the recession that has swept the nation. The Great Recession’s toll on Arkansas workers has been particularly heavy for those who started behind during better times, including minority and low-income families. For...