

2012 Update: Child Poverty in Arkansas

The child poverty rate in Arkansas, now at 26.8 percent, is higher than the national average and shows a disturbing upward trend that’s likely to continue as the state experiences the effects of the recession. Over the last ten...

A Tale of Two Sundays

Thanks to our supporters throughout the state, our Soup Sunday events were big successes this year. We hit record turnout and fundraising milestones in both Little Rock and Northwest Arkansas. Combined, we brought in more than $110,000 and served...

The Trouble with Tax Rankings

It has become trendy of late for think tanks to publish a ranking system that measures the relative tax burden each of the 50 states places on businesses.  The Tax Foundation, a conservative think tank that focuses on tax...

2011 Annual Report

We never forget that behind every statistic is a living, breathing child. While we work each day to examine the causes of large-scale poverty issues in Arkansas, we are reminded that our work has real impact when we see...

The 2012 Fiscal Session Starts Next Week

We are less than a week away from the convening of the 2012 General Assembly.  Lawmakers return to Little Rock this month for the “fiscal session” in which they are to consider budget bills to fund state government through...

Arkansas Youth Justice: The Architecture of Reform

The National Center for Youth Law and the National Council on Crime and Delinquency recently released Arkansas Youth Justice: The Architecture of Reform. The report details efforts to transform the juvenile justice system in Arkansas. The gist? Efforts by government officials,...