

Get in the Game

Get in the Game How often have you said, “You know, what they should do is …” about some sort of public policy issue? In the privacy of our own homes and offices, solving the world’s problems seems so...

Don’t Cut the Kids

Don’t Cut the Kids Governor Mike Huckabee and the state General Assembly established the ARKids First program in 1997 (with the help of then-Senator Mike Beebe who was the lead sponsor of the legislation). Since then, ARKids First has...

A Level Playing Field?

A Level Playing Field? NPR’s Morning Edition had a great, thought-provoking story this morning. It’s a story about Juan Carlos Reyes, a poor Dominican kid from the Bronx who was able to excel academically despite circumstances that might have...

Pre-K: Access to Success in Arkansas

Research continues to confirm the importance of high-quality early childhood education as a strategy for improving the social, emotional, and intellectual development of children as well as increasing the likelihood of their future academic and economic success. A 2008...