State governments establish and enforce many of the policies that directly affect the well-being of children and families, particularly the 16.4 million kids across the United States who are living in poverty today. State legislators and agency officials can connect children to quality education and health care, parents to economic opportunities and communities to better ways of working on behalf of families.
Learn more about how AACF is providing state legislators, public officials and child advocates with the reliable data, policy recommendations and tools needed to advance sound policies that benefit children and families:
- Kids Count Data Center: Signature resources tracking the well-being of children over time and across states in order to provide high-quality, unbiased information and encourage action on behalf of kids and families.
- Kids Count Coalition: Promoting, protecting, and unifying the interests of children and families of Arkansas. Learn more about the Coalition and how you may join today.
We want vulnerable kids to have a bright future. That’s why we work tirelessly to advance solutions that improve the well-being of kids in Arkansas and across the United States.