10 February, 2025
Check-in starting at 9am with the rally beginning at 9:30am
Arkansas State Capitol, 500 Woodlane Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201 and Arkansas Education Association 1500 W 4th St., Little Rock, AR 72201 Register

Kids Count Day at the Capitol

Registration is at capacity. But sign-up at the link to join the waiting list.

Arkansas Kids Count Coalition’s Kids Count Day at the Capitol is back! From toddlers to retirees, we hope you will join us at the Capitol this winter to get inspired, advocate, and learn. We will have three tracks for young children, older children, and adults. We will kick- off the day with a rally in the Capitol rotunda followed by a Valentines activity for young children, shadowing legislators for older children, and attending committee meetings for adults. You’ll also have the opportunity to tour the Capitol. We will have lunch at the Arkansas Education Association where you will be able to network with your fellow advocates and ask legislators questions about issues you care about. We will end the day attending House and Senate chamber meetings where you can learn about the legislative process first -hand.