Early Education is the Best Investment Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF)

Early Education is the Best Investment

To build an educated workforce, reduce crime, or just make sure our kids have a chance, the best time to invest in education is early. Too many working and middle class parents wonder how well their kids are being taken care of. Early education is one of the soundest investments we can make. Scientists have found that every dollar we spend on high-quality early education produces a return on our investment of about $10, and its longest-lasting effects are on kids who need it most.  We need leaders in Washington who are committed to do the same for our kids.

Education is a crucial component to child care and development, and that education must begin early, well before Kindergarten. Research has suggested that at-risk children who do not receive a pre-kindergarten education tend to start school at least two years behind their classmates. This lack of educational stimulation at this stage of child development can have serious effects. Pre-kindergarten education is linked to a great incidence of high school graduation rates and increased earning potential.