
Arkansas moms need our help

Working Arkansas moms are never off the clock. From packing lunches in the morning to tucking kids in at night, moms put in a lot more than a full day’s work. And every dollar they work for is hard...

Tell us your #prekstories

AACF is looking for Arkansans to tell us their stories about why pre-K is important to them. If you’re a business leader, a college student, a member of law enforcement, a prosecutor, a teacher, a member of the clergy,...

Time to protect Arkansas renters

Arkansas has the nation’s weakest laws on tenants’ rights and in some cases even criminalizes renters.  State law puts those who pay rent – most often the lower income residents in Arkansas – at a disadvantage in dealing with...

Celebrating public education

An essential component of the American success story is the value we, as a nation, have placed on education for all citizens. As early as April 23, 1635, the Boston Public Latin School, the first public school in America,...

Time to address gaps in behavioral health system

While the health care system has been the target of many of the proposed bills filed during the legislation session, one important issue has practically gone unmentioned—access to adequate behavioral health services for children.  These gaps continue to make...

On taxes, broccoli, and instant gratification

Despite the desperate need for pre-K funding, lawmakers sank their teeth into a nice, juicy capital gains tax cut for the rich this session. Fighting to keep state coffers adequately filled with tax dollars feels like announcing the tired...

Poverty can change how kids learn

Children from lower-income families have fewer resources, and this directly impacts a child’s brain development. A new study published by Nature Neuroscience adds to a growing body of evidence that “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” isn’t as simple as...