
What do #ARKidsNeed from 0-8? You tell us!

Today, we’re releasing a report that talks about what our children really need from birth to eight-years-old. Of course, kids need lots of things including access to health care, nurturing environments, and economically secure households. Check out the report for...

ForwARd to quality pre-K funding

Arkansas’s Department of Education, the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, and the Walton Family Foundation allied themselves to put forth a set of recommendations to move Arkansas’s education system ‘ForwARd.’ Their very first recommendation is high quality pre-K and their very...

Businesses Bank on Pre-K

The business case for pre-k is a straightforward one. High quality pre-k is workforce development. And, more Arkansas business leaders are becoming pre-k leaders. The members of the Conway and Jonesboro Chambers of Commerce and the Northwest Arkansas Council...