
Time to protect Arkansas renters

Arkansas has the nation’s weakest laws on tenants’ rights and in some cases even criminalizes renters.  State law puts those who pay rent – most often the lower income residents in Arkansas – at a disadvantage in dealing with...

Poverty can change how kids learn

Children from lower-income families have fewer resources, and this directly impacts a child’s brain development. A new study published by Nature Neuroscience adds to a growing body of evidence that “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” isn’t as simple as...

AACF Weekly Legislative Update Vol. 11

There was a flurry of activity at the State Capitol this week as the session nears its end. Next week, perhaps the final one of the session, promises to be busy as well. EDUCATION: Earlier this week, the senate...

AACF Weekly Legislative Summary Vol. 10

It’s been hectic at the State Capitol as the session winds down. Here’s what happened this week and a look at what to expect after the weekend. EDUCATION: Pre-K day at the Capitol was a welcome relief from the...

AACF Weekly Legislative Update Vol. 9

EDUCATION: Be sure to join us Tuesday March 17th for Pre-K Day at the Capitol.  It’s going to be a great day with kids everywhere, legislators reading to children, Clifford the Big Red Dog, and lunch with the launch of a...

Three bills don’t pass the test

The poorest Arkansans may be forced to submit to intrusive drug tests before receiving TANF or SNAP benefits because of three new bills (HB1924, HB1785, and SB600). Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a program that helps pregnant...