Three bad bills that would limit access to food assistance programs are currently being considered by legislators. Please tell your Representative to oppose each of these efforts.
HB1731 would make parents disqualified from receiving SNAP benefits during any month in which they are delinquent on child support payments, cutting benefits for the entire household, even if there are children in the home. This bill will hurt children and families who turn to SNAP in times of need.
HB1743 would punish people for using food stamps and cost small local businesses millions to upgrade their systems. The bill would burden retailers and restrict Arkansans, many of whom are Veterans, from making their own choices at the grocery store, while doing nothing to increase access to nutritious food.
HB1775 would expand work requirements for low-income Arkansans who receive SNAP, including those with dependent children older than 6. The bill does nothing to ensure “eligible” SNAP recipients will be well positioned to meet the work requirements. Like the results of the Arkansas Works work requirement, we could expect thousands of hungry Arkansans to lose access to their most important resource for putting food on the table.
These bills will hurt Arkansas’s most vulnerable families and children.
Call your Representative now and ask them to vote NO on HB 1731, HB1743 and HB1775.