
Cutest photos and video from Hamburg

Check out our Flickr and YouTube pages for photos and video of some very cute kids and U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan during his “Courage in the Classroom” bus tour in Hamburg yesterday. He was visiting one of Arkansas’...

Laura Kellams named to 40 Under 40 list

Congratulations to Laura Kellams, AACF’s Northwest Arkansas Director. She was named to Northwest Arkansas Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” list! She has been working hard since 2008 to serve the community through researching the state of children in the...

Child Nutrition Bill clears Senate

Yesterday the Senate passed child nutrition authorization, sending the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (S. 3307) to the House for their approval. Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families thanks Sen. Lincoln for her efforts to lead this bill through the...

State Budget Cuts Threaten Economic Recovery

Normally when the public or politicians talk about economic recovery they focus on unemployment and consumer spending. However, the rile of state budget cuts are largely ignored, yet are intimately tied to both unemployment and consumer spending. State cuts...

Moving Families Forward Update

July 2010: Unemployment assistance, child nutrition and more An Update on the Federal Tax and Budget System As Congress heads toward its annual August recess, both the House and Senate are busy working to pass key pieces of legislation...

Food Insecurity vs. Childhood Obesity

Arkansas is ranked at the top of all states for having the most children at risk of food insecurity. Nearly 25 percent of Arkansas children are at risk of being hungry, according to research conducted by Feeding America from...