
December Revenue Forecast Shows Some Improvement

The monthly State General Revenue Report for December was released today by the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. The report showed that December’s revenue was above last year and the current forecast. (Year-to-date revenue collections were up as...

Time to Cut the Red Tape

Arkansas misses out on bonus funds for ARKids First: Time to cut the red tape! This week, 15 states received more than $200 million in bonuses for enrolling eligible children in Medicaid.  Roughly two-thirds of uninsured children nationally are...

Combined Reporting Gets Interim Study

Leveling the playing field for small Arkansas businesses was examined this week during a joint meeting of the state Senate and House committees on revenue and taxation. The Arkansas Small Business Tax Fairness Act, sponsored by Rep. Jim Nickels,...

Exciting news about ARKids and Medicaid

Here’s a sneak peak at an exciting trend we’ve just uncovered in recent insurance coverage data. Find out more about this when we release our annual report on child health insurance in early 2012. In a nutshell: the number...

October Revenue Collections Slightly Below Forecast

The monthly State General Revenue Report for October was released today by the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. It showed that this month’s revenue was slightly below the current forecast while the year-to-date collections were slightly above forecast....

Protect Arkansans During Deficit Reduction

The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction-the bipartisan Congressional “super” committee tasked with finding at least $1.2 trillion in budget savings-has begun its meetings in Washington. It must present a proposal to the full Congress by November 23 of...