
New Bill for Working Families

A bill for the Working Families Opportunity Act (WFOA) was filed last week and, if passed, it would be the first of its kind in Arkansas and a huge step towards reducing poverty for hard working families in our...

January revenue up, above expectations

January net general revenues are up because of higher than expected gains in all major tax categories such as sales tax and income tax. Revenue from January was higher than this time last year by about $37.6 or 7.8 percent...

Corporate loopholes are costing Arkansas

Arkansas is losing millions in state corporate income taxes every year because of holes in our corporate tax laws. In particular, we lack a “combined reporting” law that would help ensure that large companies pay their fair share of...

Changing how we tax capital gains

A relatively small number of wealthy Arkansans who make money from the sale of investments reaped the benefits from the capital gains tax cuts passed in 2013. These expensive tax cuts, however, are likely to be scaled back. Today...

Two Budget Proposals from Beebe

Governor Beebe introduced two separate budget proposals this month, depending on whether legislators choose to put off nearly $30 million in tax cuts for two years. The tax cuts, if implemented, would reduce taxes for manufacturers and many wealthy...