The day we’ve been waiting for is almost here. ArkansasGives, a 12-hour online giving event sponsored by the Arkansas Community Foundation, is THURSDAY, APRIL 2.
Ready to make your gift? Follow this link!
Follow this link between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and make a gift to Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. Your gift will help us qualify for a portion of a $250,000 matching pool of funds, so your gift automatically means even MORE to AACF and to the children and families who rely on our effectiveness.
What is ArkansasGives?
Since the work of Arkansas’s nonprofits affects every citizen and helps improve every community. Because of this, theArkansas Community Foundation is challenging all Arkansans to make a donation on April 2nd in recognition of the vital work local charitable organizations like AACF do. Donations must be made on April 2nd (and by credit card) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Follow this link to read more about ArkansasGives, or click here to go directly to Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families’ page.
As a special incentive to give, the Arkansas Community Foundation is providing $250,000 bonus dollars, which will be allocated to participating non-profits on a proportional basis. So, the more people designate their gifts to Arkansas Advocates, the more AACF will benefit from the bonus dollars. It’s a perfect and easy way to make your support of AACF stretch further, making an even deeper impact on the work we do to protect the investments our state makes in the future of all of Arkansas’s children, and their families.
Your gift on April 2 will help our policy experts be loud and resounding voices for children, reminding decision makers to keep children in mind with every decision made at our state capitol.
Thank you for supporting AACF not only on ArkansasGives day, but every day. We appreciate you!