
How are public schools funded in Arkansas? We’ll tell you how.

How are public schools funded in Arkansas? We’ll tell you how.

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families has released a new report, “A Citizen’s Guide to Arkansas Public School Financing,” the first in a series of education reports that will be released in the coming months.

The “Citizen’s Guide” will serve as a resource for parents, students, members of the media, and community members who have an interest in public education.

“It’s a very basic look at how schools are funded,” says AACF Executive Director Rich Huddleston. “It’s a little different than some of our other reports where we usually have findings and make policy recommendations. This is simply an informative guide for people to use and to help the public understand how the system works.”

AACF will release a string of education reports and guides in the coming months on a variety of subjects including: early childhood education, grade-level reading, parental involvement, and strategies for ensuring quality opportunities to learn for all students.