
2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book

The 2024 KIDS COUNT® Data Book is a 50-state report of recent household data developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation analyzing how children and families are faring. Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families is Arkansas’s member of the national KIDS COUNT network.

Get The 2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book And Arkansas Profiles

Data Book (PDF)

Data Book (interactive)

Arkansas profile (PDF, English)

Arkansas profile (PDF, Spanish)

Stories And Posts About Arkansas’s Ranking

Arkansas Ranks 45​th​ In ​​2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book (AACF)

OPINION | KEESA SMITH: For our children (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

Arkansas’ rank for child well-being falls from 43 to 45 (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

Arkansas receives mixed results in annual Kids Count Data Book (Public News Service)

High death rates, unchanging poverty level puts Arkansas among worst states for child well-being (Arkansas Advocate)

Arkansas ranks 45 out of 50 in the Ann E. Casey Foundation national children’s well-being study (KNWA)

Arkansas near bottom in child well-being, study reveals post-pandemic struggles (KATV)

Why does Arkansas rank 45th in the nation for childhood poverty? (KTHV)

Arkansas ranks low on child well-being (Axios)

Arkansas drops two spots in Kids Count child well-being report (Talk Business & Politics)

2024 Kids Count report finds Arkansas kids face worsening outcomes (KUAR)