29 January, 2024
Zoom Register

Wewin Ko Ikijien WIC Ñan Baamle Ko Ilo Ukook In Kajin Majõl

Kwonañiṇ ke kar baj kõṇaan jeḷá ta ko būrokraam eo an WIC ej litok ak kõṃṃaṇi ñan baaṃle ko? Kwe ke ribõroro, kwar ke keotak nejūṃ niñniñ ilo yiiõ eo ej jemḷok ḷok? Ewõr ke nejùṃ ajiri ilaḷ in ḷalem (5) yiiõ drettair? 

Ekkatak kilen an WIC eo jerbal ilo iien Zoom in ibben Taktō Sheldon Riklon, MD., Maricella Garcia, Race Equity Director for Advocacy eo ilo AACF, im Carlnis Jerry jen Marshallese Educational Initiative  

Kem naaj kõnono kōn kilen dreloñ ilo WIC būrokraaṃ eo, kobaḷok ta ko kwonaj aikuji ñan am kaṇṇe aplikeijen (application) eo. Enaaj bar wōr meḷeḷe ko ikijien jōñan eṃṃan ko WIC ej litok ilo wewin an jibañ baaṃle ko maroñ ájmour lok wōt, im maroñ wia mõñá.  

Iien kōnono in ej kōṃṃan iuṃin tōl im lolorjake eo an Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families im Marshallese Educational Initiative, eo im enaaj kōṃṃan ilo kajin Ṃajōḷ. 

Webinar in enaaj kōṃṃan ilo kajin Ṃajōḷ 

Learning the Basics of WIC for Participants — Online Event in Marshallese

Have you ever wondered what the WIC program provides for families? Are you pregnant, or have you had a baby in the past year? Do you have children under age 5?

Learn the basics of WIC in this Zoom event with Dr. Sheldon Riklon, AACF Racial Equity Director for Advocacy Maricella Garcia, and Carlnis Jerry with the Marshallese Educational Initiative.

We will talk about how to apply, including what information you need for your application. And we will share how WIC benefits can help your family be more healthy and be able to buy food, including formula.

Dr. Riklon will also discuss the health issues that impact pregnancy and the early life of a baby.

This session is hosted by Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families and the Marshallese Educational Initiative and will be provided in Marshallese.